All applications for this cycle can be submitted between Nov. 23, 2024, and Jan. 31, 2025.
We highly recommend you read about Our Process as your first step!
Application Steps
After the Sit, Stay, Learn: Service Dog Infurmation Hour, you will receive a follow-up email. Follow the instructions to receive a link to our application.
All applications must be submitted no later than Jan 31, 2025 12 midnight.
This includes a medical form completed by one of your child's medical professionals.
If the Application Committee determines your application should move on to the next step, we will contact you to set up reference calls and interview.
All applicants will be notified by March 1, 2025.
• Invitation: Families identified as a good fit will receive an Invitation to proceed. After completing reference checks and interviews, you may receive an Offer to join the program. If accepted, you’ll receive a Welcome with next steps.
• Program Mismatch: Families not aligned with our program will receive a Redirection with recommendations for better-fitting alternatives.
• Deferment: Families who are a good fit but for whom we lack space will be invited to reapply in the next round.
Join our FREE Webinar:
During this hour long zoom meeting, we will cover general service dog information followed by specific information about Good Dog! ✨
This FREE zoom webinar is open to anyone seeking information about the benefits of an autism service dogs, the role of the service dog handler, different ways of obtaining a service dog, an overview the service dog industry, laws, and more. 🐶
No obligation, just infurmation to help you on your service dog journey. Stay for the full hour or as long as your schedule allows! 🧡
We will not contact you unless you request to be contacted, this method just helps us prevent zoom bombers or webinar trolls from crashing the meeting. 😉

Paws what you’re doing and follow us on Instagram for pup-dates, tail-wagging fun, and a fetching look at our service dog adventures!